Habitat Restoration
at Thelma Gilmur
In honor of activist Thelma Gilmur, Tahoma Bird Alliance partners with the City of Fircrest, Chambers Bay Women's Club, and Pierce County Conservation District to restore this urban island of green.
Thelma T. Gilmur and Helen Engle were the founding mothers of Tahoma Audubon Society. Thelma was known for her environmental education outreach, inspiring children through nature. She was also instrumental in saving many of our local natural gems, including Snake Lake, China Lake and Nisqually.
We meet every first Monday of the month, in the morning, weather permitting. Click on Join for more details about what to expect and what to bring.
Please email Lead Steward Sally so she will be expecting you: larsonsw@hotmail.com

Job one remains removal of invasive plants like Himalayan Blackberries, English Ivy, Scotch Broom, and Holly, by their roots. When an area is successfully cleared of invaders, we have the pleasure of planting native species in their place.
In just six years so far, nearly 100 Ocean Spray, Salal, Tall and Low Oregon Grape, and Flowering Red Currant, among others, have been planted.
A member who also belongs to Chambers Bay Women's Club recently donated three Pacific Ninebark. The shrubby growth habit of these flowering native plants provides valuable bird cover and nesting sites, and the blooms support butterflies. The donated Ninebark were planted as a gift to the members of Chamber Bay Women's Club.
This 7 acre public park has limitless ivy and blackberries, so restoration and stewardship will continue for many years. We enjoy our task. The stewardship of her namesake park is our thank you to Thelma for all she did for Tahoma Audubon and our greater community.